
Showing posts from July, 2022

3 Ways Covid Has Expanded The Options Available To English Language Learners

  Many, many pupils had to adjust to a "new normal" for studying English Vocabulary Course Online during the lockdown. Like other courses, university or high school classroom instruction was abruptly replaced by self-study classes and remote learning conducted at home in front of a computer. So, now, what does the post-Covid future hold? At My English is Good Global, we think students who already have and will have more and better options for learning English that will suit them and their budgets have a very bright future. This is why: Traditional Language Schools Have Learned From Online Providers Online providers have been providing high-quality English language instruction for years, including self-study and live, interactive practice with native English speakers. Millions of students throughout the world, many of whom had previously actively opposed studying online, are now familiar with and love this method of learning English as they do with other subjects thanks to Co...