Importance of Best English class in Singapore - My English Is Good Global


When we live in a multilingual country like Singapore, we have the opportunity to learn different languages and dialects. However, English is undeniably the lingua franca of Singapore's education and business scene. Therefore, learning from the best English class in Singapore might be necessary to improve your communication at work or in social life.

Whether you are in school, college, or graduate school, you may be wondering why English is important. If you plan to study or work in a field where English is irrelevant. Because English is one of the most widely spoken languages globally, you can communicate with people all over the world and consume a wide range of entertainment, from music to TV shows and books. So, if you're struggling with the fluency of your English skills, there are English classes available to help you improve.

Spoken English improvement:

Good oral English from us will benefit your career, schoolwork, and personal life in the long run. Even if you are an adult learning the best English course in Singapore, you can improve your speaking skills. Whatever your difficulties are — pronunciation, fluency, vocabulary, or grammar, for example — you can improve your oral English by following these steps.

Every day, read in English to expand your vocabulary. Read material that you understand but gradually increase the level of difficulty. Every day, try to read for 30 minutes to an hour.

You can record your spoken English and play it back. Try to hear your strengths and weaknesses.

English class is useful wherever speaking, writing, or critical thinking is required. The relevance of English to virtually all fields and careers is possibly the most important reason to take an English class. It gives several benefits to you.

You may look for chances to give speeches and presentations. Volunteer to give English presentations at school or in the community.

  • Thinking Critically:

Analyzing literature in English class requires you to comprehend characters' motivations, cultural contexts, and the causes and effects of various actions in story plot lines. You are learning to analyze literature effectively teaches you how to enjoy books, music, and film more effectively and better understand the causes and effects that occur in your family, neighborhood, and the world around you. English teaches you to comprehend your surroundings with nuance and conviction.

  • Close Reading:

In English class, when teachers ask you to closely analyze a poem or section of a story, hear the sounds of the words, and figure out as many possible meanings for the text. Close reading teaches you to read between the lines, which is useful for everyday tasks like reading instructions, contracts, deciding which hotel to stay in, and selecting a mortgage.

  • Writing:

The majority of people learn from the best English class in Singapore to write well in English class. Learning to express yourself concisely, accurately, and convincingly is more than just a checkbox on an assessment test or a grading rubric. Writing emails that earn respect, entering any career where communication is required, or simply speaking with authority is essential.

  • Culture:

English class is important for developing sensitivity, appreciating diversity, and, perhaps most importantly, contributing to the future of culture through writing and critical thinking. Students can learn about their own and other cultures by reading culturally relevant literature in English class. They can participate in discussions and writing exercises that draw students' biases, feelings, and prior knowledge about human cultures to help them rethink their assumptions.

  • Grammar and vocabulary:

Because English emphasizes reading and writing, your vocabulary and understanding of English grammar will improve if you take English seriously. The more words of English you know and the more comfortable you are using them correctly in sentences, the easier it will be to communicate with others.

If you speak or hope to speak another language, studying English vocabulary and grammar will often help you learn another language more easily. You can get help from My English Is Good Global. We provide the best English class in Singapore.


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